DTLS Transport

Communicate with dedicated servers securely using DTLS and stateless authentication

The DTLS transport is SnapNet’s default transport and provides state-of-the-art secure communication between game clients and dedicated servers.

Major Features

The following are some of the major features provided by SnapNet’s DTLS transport.


OpenSSL is a robust, commercial-grade, DTLS implementation and is updated quickly when vulnerabilities are discovered. Furthermore, it is one of the few implementations widely accepted by all supported console platforms. DTLS provides end-to-end encryption and, through the use of a server certificate, protects against man-in-the-middle attacks.

Stateless Authentication

Through the use of authentication tokens, the DTLS transport is able to verify that incoming clients are authorized by your backend to connect to the session. Critically, it does this without allocating any resources for the incoming connection until that verification has completed. This stateless handshake protects your infrastructure from a number of denial-of-service attack vectors, application-level exploits, and from participating in DDoS amplification attacks.

Set up the server certificate

Generate the server certificate and configure the DTLS transport to use it

Using authentication tokens

Generate and use authentication tokens to grant clients access to sessions